29 Weeks


           As you can see it’s been quite a while since I’ve given any updates on our little guy!  Last time I wrote he wasn’t even a pound and now he’s 2-3/4 pounds!  He should be about 14-1/2” or so long about now.  His larger size has meant that both Loren and I are able to feel (and see) his movement very frequently and very powerfully.  It has been SO fun!  It fills me with delight every time I feel our little son, even when I’m trying to sleep! :)  I must say I am filled with tremendous pride and satisfaction in knowing that my body has made a home for this little spirit to grow and develop in.  It’s an amazing experience and I know that I am fulfilling my purpose! 

           As for his development, he is actually developed enough that should he be born right now he would have a fairly high statistical chance of survival...of course we hope and pray that doesn’t happen but it’s comforting to know he’d have a chance.

           I am still feeling very well.  Every week in Primary my six-year-olds note that my tummy is bigger.  But today it seemed that kids, not even kids in my class, just couldn’t keep from staring at my belly!  It made me a little self-conscious but it was funny nonetheless!  I just can’t believe we are getting close to the single digit countdown of weeks!!!  We’ll post a picture soon...




22 Weeks





           Our little son is continuing to grow strong this week.  He is now about 9 inches “tall” and weighs 12-14 ounces (almost a pound!).  Yes, he is still very small and he hasn’t “filled out” very much yet, but he’s doing great.  His eyes and eyelids have completely formed, although the irises of his eyes aren’t pigmented yet.  In about a month he should be opening his eyes.  His little eyebrows and even his little fingernails are developed and his face is looking more and more like it will in a few months when he’s born.

           As for me, I am still just enjoying carrying our little baby!  I’m feeling great and sleeping well.  And I am still enthralled with the wonder of feeling this little life thriving within me.  His little kicks have grown stronger and I can even feel it when he gets little bouts of the hiccups.  One of my favorite things to do is to watch my tummy bulge in the spot he’s kicking!  Of course, he has become rather shy in the spotlight, as every time I want to show Daddy he decides to stop kicking!  He must have some of his Mom in him! :)



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